On-Demand How To Find Your Life’s Divine Purpose – With Gregor Maehle
Price in Australian Dollars: AU$249
At the time of writing in foreign currency, this was US$190, €161, £140
Students who have previously completed our teacher trainings can register at a 50% discount. Please email us for a discount code.
Course Details
Online Course On-Demand
Total Hours
~10 Hours
~10 Lesson Course
Course Overview
Do you remember a time, when you knew that your life would be amazing and that you would live to make a meaningful contribution to life on Earth and the life of others? And then what happened? Somehow our education and the process of enculturation cut us off from this sacred knowledge and élan vital. We became cynics and “realists”.
Since time immemorial human societies were organized around the idea that the life of the individual and of society has divine purpose. This workshop traces this knowledge to indigenous cultures, to the Bhagavad Gita, the Bible and the Yoga Sutra. Our loss of this knowledge is what has led to our environmental destruction and the sixth mass extinction of life as well as the current epidemic of mental disorders.
This workshop not only shows how we lost the knowledge that all life is sacred and purposeful, it also introduces layers of technique to lead us back to finding and gradually implementing our life’s divine purpose.
Also covered are
- The practice & psychology of finding one’s life’s divine purpose
- Overcoming obstacles
- How do we know it’s the right voice?
- Daily cleansing regime of the subconscious mind
- Being in the “zone” and absence of internal dialogue
- Importance of forgiveness, gratitude, acceptance, and surrender
- How to embody your life’s divine purpose
I want to offer you my sincere gratitude for the effort and dedication you have put into synthesising these teachings for universal awareness and liberation. Working through the chapters of Finding your Divine Life’s Purpose, your summaries of human evolution and religion have brought together so much of my own understanding of interconnectivity and the importance of embodied consciousness, if we are to experience the sacred in all matter and nurture this wonderful planet.
Rowena, Australia
Technology Notes
- Please set your playback resolution to 540 or lower during the live session. Do not keep it on the “auto” playback, which can be inconsistent. To change the resolution, hover over the player bar, click on the settings cog, and select 540 or 240. If in doubt whether your connection is fast enough initially select 240.
- If the video does not start, try refreshing your browser.
- Please check your audio output before class starts. This can be done via the sound settings in your system preferences.
Event Information
Upon Purchase:
You will receive a purchase receipt and shortly after an email titled “Important information for the event…”. This email will include all information regarding access to the live event.
*The videos are available indefinitely. All videos copyright of 8 Limbs Ashtanga Yoga Pty Ltd.
Gregor is a life-long yogi and has over 40 years of experience of yoga study and practice!
Any questions? Please ask us.