On-Demand Pranayama Level 2 course – With Gregor Maehle
Price in Australian Dollars: AU$249
At the time of writing in foreign currency, this was US$216, €198, £175
Students who have previously completed our teacher trainings or pranayama modules can register at a 50% discount. Please email us for a discount code.
Course Details
On-Demand Online Course
Pranayama Level 2 Course
Total Hours
~10 Hours
~10 Lesson Course
Pranayama Level 1 Course (you can access this course on-demand here)
Course Overview
This is our Pranayama Level 2 course, consisting of 10 lessons with each lesson approximately 60 minutes long. In order to qualify this course you need to have done our online Pranayama Level 1 course (you can access this course on-demand here) or you need to have completed one of our Teacher Trainings or an in-person Pranayama Module with Gregor. While there will be a recap of the Level 1 course in the first one or two lessons of this course, you will not be able to follow this course unless you have completed our Pranayama Level 1.
- Capacity to sit comfortably in a meditation posture
- An empty stomach, i.e. practice before food and not after food
- Pranayama Level 1 Course (you can access this course on-demand here)
What you don’t need
- An intermediate or advanced asana practice
- Untreated high blood pressure, uterus inflammation, glaucoma, heart disease, pneumonia, bronchitis, hernia, dizziness
- Pregnancy
Among other things covered will be:
Prerequistes and contraindications
Recap fundamentals in Nadi Shuddhi
- Breath wave, mantra, visualization, digital count, Jihva Bandha, Shambhavi Mudra, divine image,
Why we are not doing Bhastrika yet
- Granthi breakers Stage 1 and 2
Why kumbhaka?
- Contraindications
- Types: Internal vs external 2 :1 thus importance of Nauli
- Pranayama defined as kumbhaka
- Disambiguation between kumbhaka and holding one’s breath
- Purpose of kumbhaka
- Heat, sweat, purification of agni and burning karma
Introducing Jalandhara Bandha
- Importance of and rationale
- Difference between the bandha and the position
- Only once mastered proceed to kumbhaka, do not let vayu enter the head
Integrate internal kumbhaka with Jalandhara Bandha
– Ujjayi with kumbhaka (not for Ashtangis)
– Goraksha’s Nadi Shodhana
1 : 1 : 1 ratio
- Always start with sama vrtti (even component length, exceptions)
- How to split from 1 : 2 ratio
- During Nadi Shodana one lunar/ one solar kumbhaka
Holding Mahabandha during kumbhaka
- Importance of Mula Bandha for kumbhaka
Further ratios
- 1 : 1 : 2
- 1 : 2 : 2
- 1 : 4 : 2
Importance of Divine Image for 1 : 4 : 2 ratio
- Necessity to increase Nauli to balance long internal kumbhakas
- Shitali
- Sitkari
Chandra and Surya Bhedana with internal kumbhakas
Technology Notes
- Please set your playback resolution to 540 or lower during the live session. Do not keep it on the “auto” playback, which can be inconsistent. To change the resolution, hover over the player bar, click on the settings cog, and select 540 or 240. If in doubt whether your connection is fast enough initially select 240.
- If the video does not start, try refreshing your browser.
- Please check your audio output before class starts. This can be done via the sound settings in your system preferences.
Event Information
The videos are available indefinitely. All video-footage copyright 8 Limbs Ashtanga Yoga Pty Ltd 2021.
Upon Purchase:
You will receive a purchase receipt and shortly after an email titled “Important information for the event…”. This email will include all information regarding access to the live event.
Gregor is a life-long yogi and has over 40 years of experience of yoga study and practice!