The Primary Series, A Technical Analysis – With Gregor Maehle

Price in Australian Dollars: AU$139
At the time of writing in foreign currency, this was US$99.50, €84.50, £76.20
Students who have previously completed our teacher trainings can register at a 50% discount. Please email us for a discount code.


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Course Details

Online Course

complete Primary Series Course

Total Hours
~3.5 Hours
~12 Lesson Course

Course Overview

This 3.5 hours long, 12 lessson course, covers the entire Primary Series of Ashtanga Yoga. Gregor  analyses the many intricate anatomical details of all postures of the Primary Series. The focus is on breaking down the various phases of entering and exiting the postures into their constituents. Performing postures safely while understanding which anatomical actions will get us deep into the asanas will prevent unnecessary energy expenditure. Through inducing precision this format also achieves that conditioning and emotions lodged in bodily tissue are released, preparing us for the higher limbs of pranayama and meditation.

Course Syllabus
1. Lesson 1
  • The Sun Salutations

2. Lesson 2
  • Padangushtasana to Parshvakonasana
3. Lesson 3
  • Prasarita Padottanasana to Parshvottanasana
4. Lesson 4
  • Utthita Padangushtasana to Virabhadrasana

5. Lesson 5
  • Dandasana to Triang Mukha Ekapada Pashimottanasana

6. Lesson 6
  • Janushirshasana A – C

7. Lesson 7
  • Marichyasana A -D

8. Lesson 8
  • Navasana to Kukkutasana

9. Lesson 9
  • Baddha Konasana to Supta Konasana

10. Lesson 10
  • Supta Padangushtasana to Setu Bandhasana

11. Lesson 11
  • Back Bending Sequence including warm-ups

12. Lesson 12
  • Cooling-down Sequence

Technology Notes
  • Please set your playback resolution to 540 or lower during the live session. Do not keep it on the “auto” playback, which can be inconsistent. To change the resolution, hover over the player bar, click on the settings cog, and select 540 or 240. If in doubt whether your connection is fast enough initially select 240.
  • If the video does not start, refresh your browser and restart your device. The best browser to access Vimeo is Google Chrome.
  • Please check your audio output before class starts. This can be done via the sound settings in your system preferences.
Event Information


Upon Purchase:
You will receive a purchase receipt and shortly after an email titled “Important information for the event…”. This email will include all information regarding access to the live event. All video footage copyright 8 Limbs Ashtanga Yoga 2020.


January 14, 2025
7:57 pm


Gregor is a life-long yogi and has over 40 years of experience of yoga study and practice!



Any questions? Please ask us.